In the writing the nursing case study assignment and analysis, it is essential that you have an effective idea and knowledge of the patient scenario to be mentioned along with the rubrics cube instructions. You are required to have an idea of the information to be looked at by the marker while reading through the analysis. It is essential to know the aim to be followed to meet the highest marks for the rubrics cube. Thus, here I am mentioning a few ideas and tips to be followed in writing the nursing case study analysis.
Tips to follow while writing the nursing case study analysis
1.Title Page
The first tip is regarding the formation of the title page which is the main thing seen before even initiating the read to the case study analysis and nursing assignment. The title page is required to present a clarified idea of the nature of the case study analysis being made in the assignment. This is because it would help the reader to understand the specific facts expected to be identified from the analysis.
The next tip is to write the abstract for the case study analysis. The mentioning of the abstract though is not an essential requirement but some instructors believe that the presentation of summarisation of the case analysis before its detailed presentation creates a better quality of the analysis. This is because it helps the instructors to identify the key points mentioned in the analysis and selected aspects that they wish to examine first to decide the grade for the analysis. The abstract also helps the reader to gather the main ideas presented in the analysis without requiring them to go through the entire content. Thus, it helps in saving time for the readers and markers to determine what is to be expected from the analysis.
3. Introduction
The next tip is initiating to write the introduction for the case study analysis. The introduction is required to briefly present the medical history of the patient along with the current medication and diagnosis used by them. The introduction can be written in the end as it helps in better capturing the focused parts in the case study analysis. The writing of introduction at the end also creates an opportunity for the presentation of better arguments as to why the case is being selected as the first to be presented and analysed.
4.Case Presentation
The following tip is presenting the case of the patient to be analysed. In the initial part of the case presentation, you as the nursing student or the writer are required to determine the confidentiality of the patient. It is better to use a pseudonym to indicate the patient and refrain from mentioning any personal details. The chief health complaints of the patient are to be informed and existing care with pharmacological intervention provided to the individual is to be mentioned in detail. In this case, present the detailed family, social, work, and previous health history of the patient. This is to gather holistic idea regarding the way health issue in the patient is developed creating scope for better analysis in the later stages.
The next tip is writing the pathophysiology of the disease and nursing assessment by relating all the factors contributing to the individual's exposure to the disease or health issue you are required to present an idea regarding the way disease diagnosis in the patient is confirmed. A well-developed idea of the tools and techniques to be used or already implicated along with the way they helped in the specific diagnosis of the health issue in the mentioned patient is to be described. The facts shared are always required to be supported by published literature. This is because the case study analysis in nursing does not expect personal analysis of the nurse but wishes to determine through theoretical evidence what is right and wrong in the care incidence of the patient.
Further, in explaining the pathophysiology of the disease, you are required to explicitly mention the way explained physiology is relevant to the mentioned patient. This is because no generalised idea of disease progression is expected in case study analysis. All the information shared is required to be appropriately linked with the patient presented in the case. The nursing assessment is to clearly inform the needs and demands of the patient identified in the case to support enhanced care planning in the later phase.
6.Nursing care plan
The next tip is writing the nursing care plan for the patient after assessing the health condition and needs of the individual. This is because the nursing care plan supports the way argued findings in the case study are to be resolved for the patient. The nursing plan is the solution for resolving the critical issues found in the patient. Therefore, the plan needs to be effectively inked with the physical and mental condition of the patient. For example, you cannot allocate a plan which involves taking regular medication for disease management by a patient on their own with dementia. This is because dementia causes people to forget things which make them incapable to remember taking medication, in this condition, the plan is required to be providing an automated medication dispensing machine with an alarm to the dementia patient who is additionally supported in care by family members or social carers.
The next tip is discussing the informed and planned care for the selected patient. This is because discussion helps in expanding the case to mention the way it relates to the plan. It also helps in providing an effective rationale for the actions intended to be taken for the patient during the analysis. The discussion also informs regarding the barriers to be faced in executing care support for determined patients. These facts are further examined to determine the recommendations to be followed with respect to the case study.
The last tip is to write an effective conclusion that summarises the key points from the case study analysis. Moreover, the references are to be checked to ensure they are presented by following the determined referencing style informed by the university. This is because it would help the readers and graders to explore the used literature to determine the authenticity of the facts shared in the case study analysis for the patient.